
This Is It.


The result. Reached. School. Friday. 23rd December.

i know i know, the fact that i am supposed to be praying rather than cursing alone out here.
but, in reality, the result had been printed out.
i can imagine it.
it had been in my head since i walked out from the xmination hall.
a piece of paper, the size of a regular postcard u get from a friend that had been travelling and just wanted to make a reminder of them to you.

ok, that was clearly far from the topic..
then there is my picture, printed in black and white,
my name,

my personal details,

etc etc,

the results...................
.   .   .

.   .   .

.   .   .

ok i don't know how was it yet bcos i haven't claimed it yet.

then that was it.
either its gloomy and dying.
either its happy and jumping.

suddenly i hate numbers.
as in the drama in AXN.
i mean the drama itself.

honestly, guys.
it freaks me out.
i am so scared.
feel like crying my eyes out.
i am really really really scared.

but then again,
i always tell people,

whatever you get, that's the best thing that Allah had given to you.
accept it with open heart.
bcos Allah always knows what's best for us at this very moment.
trust Him and believe that everything happens for a reason
and put your hopes up, that it happened for a good cause.

and now i have to use it on myself.
i've studied, i've tried,
i know it seems like i have not studied enough.
i know i can do more, i can do better,
now i just need to pray
and tawakal.
do give me strength to attend to your tests.


Ya Allah, jika rezeki itu ada di langit, kau turunkan ia sebanyak-banyaknya.
jika rezeki itu ada di bumi, kau keluarkan ia sebanyak-banyaknya,
jika rezeki itu ada di laut, kau timbulkan ia sebanyak-banyaknya,
jika rezeki itu sedikit, kau banyakkan sebanyak-banyaknya,
jika rezeki itu jauh, kau dekatkan sedekat-dekatnya.

Ya Allah, kau ampunkan dosa-dosaku dan dosa-dosa para sahabat,
jangan biarkan dosa-dosa kami menjadi penghalang kepada kejayaan kami dunia akhirat.
