I fell in love once.
The kind that occur once in a lifetime.
And it happened to me too early of an age.
Which lasts for years.
And I swear that if I were to move on from this enchantment,
and bring myself back up from the fall;
only death will set us apart.
And then that dreadful event happened,
where you were taken away from me.
And I thought that that was the sign.
I should forget you and start to move on.
Stand up properly.
Guess what?
Few years had passed.
Your face, your voice, your scent,
still lingers somewhere in the back of my mind.
I was wrong.
How can I stand back up?
When I never reached the ground,
the moment I fell?
SUZ (2)
By the way, how's your brother? I haven't contacted him since, you know, forever. I guess it is because I was so shy or frankly, embarrassed about what has been going on between us that I decided to scurried away and just obliterate myself from his life.Last time I heard, he was doing fine and is on his way in pursuing a degree in biotechnology something something which sounded cool actually, as he has always been.But nah, enough about him.
Hah, let's not beat around the bush. I miss you actually.
I just wanted to tell you how sad I am for not being able to meet you during the festive season. I even saved a portion of money to give to you as I had promised to give you some before you go further away. Alas, fate was not on our side. I went back to college while you're on your way home and our path does not cross each other at that time.
And never will.
One Fine Day
Dear Z,
As expected, you didn't reply to me.
But I guess you are well.
You see, I have been constantly remembering you this few days and because it bothered me so much I decided to write to you, the letter that will never arrived.
I just wanted to tell you how sad I am for not being able to meet you during the festive season. I even saved a portion of money to give to you as I had promised to give you some before you go further away. Alas, fate was not on our side. I went back to college while you're on your way home and our path does not cross each other at that time.
And never will.
The Future Is Now. Or is it?
According to the 'Back to The Future' movie we are told to witness that the year 2015 will have holographic shark coming out from the mouth of the cinema, and many other things that are not to be found during the year when the film was made.
And I must say that those people on cast and on set are pretty damn creative and imaginative about the future.
But the most famous thing which had been the anticipation for so many people especially kids in the 80's, 90's.. oh never mind, scratch that, let me rephrase, people who had been watching the said movie, is the flying skateboard called Hoverboard.
And now people are demanding scientists and engineers to build one so they can make the movie come true.
Well you can suck back all your demands, suckers.
Because if today hoverboard is just a prototype, then it means that the future is not like the movie, and people won't be wearing those 'futuristic'-ish clothes that looks more like a combo of denim and aluminium strips, (although I admit I pretty like the pepsi bottle design, wished they will make something like that), so stop daydreaming that there will be a time machine that will allow us to go back and forth in time so we can retrace our steps to who we are today or just saying hello to us in the future while checking out how our life turns out. NO.
(Yeah I might sound depressed in some way haha)
I mean, take a look at us now, except for the fact that we're like, more obsessed with our own devices rather than playing outdoor flying here and there, we are pretty much like the 80's, but with a huge leap in development in terms of technologies and buildings and philosophy and lifestyle (just to name so much hahah) My guess is that even if hoverboard are some kind of an important transport in 2015, we will still be flying here and there for the sake of going here and there, and most of the time we will still be looking at our devices while on the board.
Because we are googling the way to the intended destination, that is why.
More technologies means we are depending more and more on them. And this fact kinda scare the shit out of me from time to time.
What if there is a shortage of power and all the satellites are crushed by meteor or being hit by a lost bomb which was thrown by a superhero saving the world from war?
Where is your google now? Even the batteries are not enough to charged as much as 5% of your phone while you are searching for help.
And right then and there we have to do it the traditional way.
But what if there is no more printed maps because of the printing companies had lost so much from having not receiving any profit since digital map took over? Or the printed version was so out of date that they still (this might stings) have World Trade Center Tower in it?
Or if (God forbids) someplace encounters natural disasters that ransacked the whole town and the nearest town to get some help requires 2 days worth of travel (in case the cars broke down and the only option you have is to travel on foot)(in case the cars is out of gas and all the gas stations was destroyed)
Come on, we have seen these possibilities from those apocalypse related movies that has been like the new genre of movie, aite?
Having arrived at the apocalypse related movies, remember the movie '2012'?
Last time I checked the calendar, the year is 2015. What up?
The more reason not to be so absorbed into these kinds of unreliable prophecies. You should know that the end of the world and anything related to the life after death are secrets only Allah knows. So don't waste your time having a headache thinking too deep about when will it come. It will happen when Allah says so.
In the mean time just be well prepared. Like how you prepare yourself from head to toe going out to a formal event or how you practiced day and night for the upcoming tournament, like how you planned your trip months ahead or how you stay up until the eleventh hour to study for your final examination, those kinds of preparation, times billions.
Because life after death was said to be infinitely forever, so how do we want to spend it?
According to the 'Back to The Future' movie we are told to witness that the year 2015 will have holographic shark coming out from the mouth of the cinema, and many other things that are not to be found during the year when the film was made.
And I must say that those people on cast and on set are pretty damn creative and imaginative about the future.
But the most famous thing which had been the anticipation for so many people especially kids in the 80's, 90's.. oh never mind, scratch that, let me rephrase, people who had been watching the said movie, is the flying skateboard called Hoverboard.
And now people are demanding scientists and engineers to build one so they can make the movie come true.
Well you can suck back all your demands, suckers.
Because if today hoverboard is just a prototype, then it means that the future is not like the movie, and people won't be wearing those 'futuristic'-ish clothes that looks more like a combo of denim and aluminium strips, (although I admit I pretty like the pepsi bottle design, wished they will make something like that), so stop daydreaming that there will be a time machine that will allow us to go back and forth in time so we can retrace our steps to who we are today or just saying hello to us in the future while checking out how our life turns out. NO.
(Yeah I might sound depressed in some way haha)
I mean, take a look at us now, except for the fact that we're like, more obsessed with our own devices rather than playing outdoor flying here and there, we are pretty much like the 80's, but with a huge leap in development in terms of technologies and buildings and philosophy and lifestyle (just to name so much hahah) My guess is that even if hoverboard are some kind of an important transport in 2015, we will still be flying here and there for the sake of going here and there, and most of the time we will still be looking at our devices while on the board.
Because we are googling the way to the intended destination, that is why.
More technologies means we are depending more and more on them. And this fact kinda scare the shit out of me from time to time.
What if there is a shortage of power and all the satellites are crushed by meteor or being hit by a lost bomb which was thrown by a superhero saving the world from war?
Where is your google now? Even the batteries are not enough to charged as much as 5% of your phone while you are searching for help.
And right then and there we have to do it the traditional way.
But what if there is no more printed maps because of the printing companies had lost so much from having not receiving any profit since digital map took over? Or the printed version was so out of date that they still (this might stings) have World Trade Center Tower in it?
Or if (God forbids) someplace encounters natural disasters that ransacked the whole town and the nearest town to get some help requires 2 days worth of travel (in case the cars broke down and the only option you have is to travel on foot)(in case the cars is out of gas and all the gas stations was destroyed)
Come on, we have seen these possibilities from those apocalypse related movies that has been like the new genre of movie, aite?
Having arrived at the apocalypse related movies, remember the movie '2012'?
Last time I checked the calendar, the year is 2015. What up?
The more reason not to be so absorbed into these kinds of unreliable prophecies. You should know that the end of the world and anything related to the life after death are secrets only Allah knows. So don't waste your time having a headache thinking too deep about when will it come. It will happen when Allah says so.
In the mean time just be well prepared. Like how you prepare yourself from head to toe going out to a formal event or how you practiced day and night for the upcoming tournament, like how you planned your trip months ahead or how you stay up until the eleventh hour to study for your final examination, those kinds of preparation, times billions.
Because life after death was said to be infinitely forever, so how do we want to spend it?
Confucius or Confusing?
Was browsing through the news feed and happened to read the status of my colleague regarding permissible alcohol and mirin that are actually available in Japan. 'Actually'.
I am not even mad with what this friend of mine shared. We all have the chance to share our opinions or views about some things, (kinda afraid to use the right for freedom of speech here so..) and here's worth nothing cents from me.
It seems like I had peruse over the thesis that this person shared on his timeline a few months back. At that time, I was so desperate in finding a proof or some kind of explanation in helping me figure out whether I can gobble up this halal ramen which I obtained during a halal seminar in my place. The package of ramen itself stated that it is halal but haven't received a certified logo just yet. But out of habit, I kinda take a glance through the ingredients and I caught the 'alcohol' word somewhere in between. Devastated, I tried to find a way so I can have a taste of the famous ramen, any tiniest possibilities of anyone or any article saying that it is ok to consume that kind of alcohol contained in food(s).
After searching high and low for any satisfying proof, I can feel that my taste buds are saying yes, but my belief says no. Even after I found the said thesis. Before I forgot, let me explain what I get from the thesis. (What I think it says, not what it actually says)
The thesis explains that the world 'alcohol' itself consists of two meanings.
1) A beverage that can make you drunk;
2) Chemical terms
In #1, the amount of intake of alcohol is proportional to the state of your drunkenness, which means, the more you drink the more drunk you are; simple theory.
While in #2, the higher the amount you consume, the higher the possibilities of you being poisoned because of the ingredients inside of it, when accumulated will become poisonous; and I can see myself being redundant there but who cares haha
So, maybe the writer of the thesis (and also this friend of mine) wanted to invite people to think before you eat something, or take your own risk in deciding whether it is the alcohol or just another -OH bond in a solution. Or, they want to acknowledge us that there are two types of alcohol, and not all alcohol can make you sleazy, there are also permissible alcohol exists in this world.
Let me riddle you this, does a non caffeine coffee is still be considered as a coffee or does it become a tea?
From what I read, this is how I see it.
Alcohol or 'alcohol' or -OH bond, let us just run away from it. Because either way, it is still kinda dangerous to our health. #1 will effect you in a matter of 2 or 3 bottles, and #2 will effect you in 2,3 maybe 10 or 20 years but there is still a slight effect from it. And us muslims are prohibited from harming ourselves in any kinds of ways so it is better to avoid it. Or our ibadah will not be accepted for 40 days but that is for one drop of alcohol, what about a gulp? nauzubillah.
Moreover, if you don't feel good about it then that will become the more of a reason for you.
But what I really wanted to point out is this:
Be careful of what you share. Especially if it is about our belief.
Nowadays I see too many posts regarding Islam and things that we normally do as a muslim like reciting dua before and after eating and much more, and some says that is bid'ah, this is not sunnah, these are some made up things and such and such..
And now I don't know what to believe anymore, so I just stick to what I think are legit.
It is not wrong to seek knowledge, but make sure that you analyze it, understand it by heart, and ask for higher opinion from certified people, and after you are 500% sure about it, then only can your tell it to people. After that if people ask you questions, you can answer it like dodging a bullet in matrix, but if you can't, then tell them the truth that 'I don't know any further than that'.
And also, after sharing some article etc, please describe in detail what you think about it and don't just post it there and tell us to figure it out ourselves because that is too damn of you dude, too damn. Cliffhanger scumbag. Because like the case mentioned above, there are two kinds of people who will read it and take it to their own understandings;
1) People who still strongly believe that alcohol is not permissible
2) People who think that they might be allowed to consume alcohol according to certain circumstances
So be careful, because this is kinda like water ripple effect. The more it spreads, the less information it will receive and when it reached the outer end, the people there will conclude that alcohol in Japan can actually be consumed. Who knows?
Again, be careful. And choose either you want to be Confucius, who leads people to think about a thought, or just to be plain confusing.
Was browsing through the news feed and happened to read the status of my colleague regarding permissible alcohol and mirin that are actually available in Japan. 'Actually'.
I am not even mad with what this friend of mine shared. We all have the chance to share our opinions or views about some things, (kinda afraid to use the right for freedom of speech here so..) and here's worth nothing cents from me.
It seems like I had peruse over the thesis that this person shared on his timeline a few months back. At that time, I was so desperate in finding a proof or some kind of explanation in helping me figure out whether I can gobble up this halal ramen which I obtained during a halal seminar in my place. The package of ramen itself stated that it is halal but haven't received a certified logo just yet. But out of habit, I kinda take a glance through the ingredients and I caught the 'alcohol' word somewhere in between. Devastated, I tried to find a way so I can have a taste of the famous ramen, any tiniest possibilities of anyone or any article saying that it is ok to consume that kind of alcohol contained in food(s).
After searching high and low for any satisfying proof, I can feel that my taste buds are saying yes, but my belief says no. Even after I found the said thesis. Before I forgot, let me explain what I get from the thesis. (What I think it says, not what it actually says)
The thesis explains that the world 'alcohol' itself consists of two meanings.
1) A beverage that can make you drunk;
2) Chemical terms
In #1, the amount of intake of alcohol is proportional to the state of your drunkenness, which means, the more you drink the more drunk you are; simple theory.
While in #2, the higher the amount you consume, the higher the possibilities of you being poisoned because of the ingredients inside of it, when accumulated will become poisonous; and I can see myself being redundant there but who cares haha
So, maybe the writer of the thesis (and also this friend of mine) wanted to invite people to think before you eat something, or take your own risk in deciding whether it is the alcohol or just another -OH bond in a solution. Or, they want to acknowledge us that there are two types of alcohol, and not all alcohol can make you sleazy, there are also permissible alcohol exists in this world.
Let me riddle you this, does a non caffeine coffee is still be considered as a coffee or does it become a tea?
From what I read, this is how I see it.
Alcohol or 'alcohol' or -OH bond, let us just run away from it. Because either way, it is still kinda dangerous to our health. #1 will effect you in a matter of 2 or 3 bottles, and #2 will effect you in 2,3 maybe 10 or 20 years but there is still a slight effect from it. And us muslims are prohibited from harming ourselves in any kinds of ways so it is better to avoid it. Or our ibadah will not be accepted for 40 days but that is for one drop of alcohol, what about a gulp? nauzubillah.
Moreover, if you don't feel good about it then that will become the more of a reason for you.
But what I really wanted to point out is this:
Be careful of what you share. Especially if it is about our belief.
Nowadays I see too many posts regarding Islam and things that we normally do as a muslim like reciting dua before and after eating and much more, and some says that is bid'ah, this is not sunnah, these are some made up things and such and such..
And now I don't know what to believe anymore, so I just stick to what I think are legit.
It is not wrong to seek knowledge, but make sure that you analyze it, understand it by heart, and ask for higher opinion from certified people, and after you are 500% sure about it, then only can your tell it to people. After that if people ask you questions, you can answer it like dodging a bullet in matrix, but if you can't, then tell them the truth that 'I don't know any further than that'.
And also, after sharing some article etc, please describe in detail what you think about it and don't just post it there and tell us to figure it out ourselves because that is too damn of you dude, too damn. Cliffhanger scumbag. Because like the case mentioned above, there are two kinds of people who will read it and take it to their own understandings;
1) People who still strongly believe that alcohol is not permissible
2) People who think that they might be allowed to consume alcohol according to certain circumstances
So be careful, because this is kinda like water ripple effect. The more it spreads, the less information it will receive and when it reached the outer end, the people there will conclude that alcohol in Japan can actually be consumed. Who knows?
Again, be careful. And choose either you want to be Confucius, who leads people to think about a thought, or just to be plain confusing.
You should probably know that when I use that kind of font then it is suppose to be a letter.
As this song portrayed much of my emotion right now,
all the highlighted places are for a purpose.
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I know I let you down, didn't I?
So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me
Well I'm just a slave unto the night
Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want from me
I gave you hell through all the years
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I've been around the world and never in my wildest dreams
Would I come running home to you
I've told a million lies but now I tell a single truth
There's YOU in everything I do
Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I gave you hell through all the years
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
Don't tell me that I'm wrong
I've walked that road before
And left you on your own
And please believe them when they say
That it's left for yesterday
And the records that I've played
Please forgive me for all I've done
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
You should probably know that when I use that kind of font then it is suppose to be a letter.
As this song portrayed much of my emotion right now,
all the highlighted places are for a purpose.
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I know I let you down, didn't I?
So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me
Well I'm just a slave unto the night
Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want from me
I gave you hell through all the years
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I've been around the world and never in my wildest dreams
Would I come running home to you
I've told a million lies but now I tell a single truth
There's YOU in everything I do
Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me
Remember when I broke you down to tears
I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I gave you hell through all the years
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
Don't tell me that I'm wrong
I've walked that road before
And left you on your own
And please believe them when they say
That it's left for yesterday
And the records that I've played
Please forgive me for all I've done
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
So I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
I, I bet my life, I bet my life
I bet my life on you
SUZ (1)
This series will be entitled Surat Untuk Z,
just like the protagonist in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck,
but this one is a different person with a different persona,
someone I knew, but dearly miss.
I will try to write this whenever I had my mind bothered over something,
and tell this person(s),
just as a way to express it better.
Ke hadapan Z,
This series will be entitled Surat Untuk Z,
just like the protagonist in Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck,
but this one is a different person with a different persona,
someone I knew, but dearly miss.
I will try to write this whenever I had my mind bothered over something,
and tell this person(s),
just as a way to express it better.
Somewhere In October 2015
I dunno where to start.
It has been a long time and we haven't spoken or met or texted and this somehow feel so awkward in so many ways.
It is a dreadful thing to know someone for so many years but ended up being strangers in just a matter of seconds.
Phewh. Let me start again.
Ke hadapan Z,
Apa khabar?
Yang Benar,
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